Devil's eye Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow...
Allura IV
Japanese Name アリシア
Romaji Arishia
Title (DIV) Princess of Stigma
Age 19 years old
Hair Color Strawberry blonde
Eye Color Blue
Class Princess
Branded Princess (Decepton IV: The Nightmare Princess)
Group Fronenberg
Dark Side Heaven (Deception IV: The Nightmare Princess)
Status Alive (Ending C, D/A World Without Treachery/When Day Breaks)
Possessed (Ending A, B)
Sacrificed (Allura 3)
Appearances Trapt (playable)
Deception IV: Blood Ties (cameo)
Deception IV: The Nightmare Princess (playable)[1]
Dead or Alive 5: Last Round (cameo)
Voice Actor Saki Nakajima (Trapt)
Ayaka Maeda (Deception IV)[2]


Heroine of Trapt. A princess wrongly accused of murdering the king. She finds herself hunted down because of her stigma, the Fiend Arm.
—Description on The Nightmare Princess website

Allura (アリシア Arishia?, Alicia) is the princess of Fronenberg, and the heroine of Trapt.

She is caught up in the plot taking place in the palace, framed for her father's murder, and is forced to flee. After escaping, she enters a mansion where she encounters the fiend, who grants her the power to control traps.


In the Past[]

Allura was the only daughter and child of King Olaf and Queen Evelyn. She also knew General Hertzog growing up.

Allura found her mother very dear to her, practically looking up to her. When Evelyn passed away, Allura and her father were distraught by the loss. Eventually, due to keeping order to the decaying kingdom, Olaf remarried to a woman named Catalina, a woman Allura did not like.

At one point, Allura received a handmaiden named Rachel, whom she grew very close to.


One evening, accompanied by her handmaid and Graines, Allura and her father visited her mother's grave. While praying to her late mother, Graines begged the king to act upon the disorder of the kingdom before a revolution could break out before Catalina entered the courtyard with two guards. Catalina demanded that Allura would refer to her as her mother, and despite Rachel's plea, Allura stubbornly remarks that buried before her was the only mother she would ever have.

As Catalina threatened to punish her for her behavior, a dagger flew past the two of them, piercing through the king's back. Allura ran to her father's aid but was dragged away by Rachel as Catalina convicted her of killing her father, with the addition prevarication of her arm transforming into the tabooed Fiend's Arm.

Coming across Graines and Jais, Rachel explained what just occurred, and how the guards were currently pursuing Allura. The two soldiers agreed to help aid their escape, entrusting Rachel to take Allura someplace safe.

Outside, in a wooded area, Alan and Ralph were part of a search party hunting for the princess. Hiding behind a shrub, Rachel instructed Allura to find a mansion that once belonged to the royal family and remain there. Despite the latter's protest, Rachel visibly ran away, luring the two men to chase after her while Allura made her escape. Moved by the self-sacrifice, she made her way to the mansion.

Deception IV: The Nightmare Princess[]

Allura, labelled as the Branded Princess, is dragged into the Quest Tree after realizing Rachel's true intentions. She specialises in defensive abilities, and is able to use her Fiend arm to push enemies away with a shock wave.

In Q89: Allura 3, she is forced to fight Velguirie after her wish is granted, as the Fiend's stigma is gone. After her defeat, she is presumably killed and her body and soul are taken. However, Allura's own Ephemera informs Velguirie that she has sent Allura back to her world using the Legendary Stone. After this, she claims that Velguirie's Ephemera will not know of their conversation, and leaves.

In another timeline, in Q94: A World Without Treachery, after a small battle, she asks Ephemera why she was taken to Dark Side Heaven, and why her Ephemera sent the other Allura back home. After their talk, her Ephemera is destroyed and Allura is left to reside in Dark Side Heaven, free from lies and betrayal.

In the DLC Quest, Q110: When Day Breaks, Allura is summoned to fight against Rachel, who came to Dark Side Heaven to find her. After a long battle, Allura defeats Rachel, as she explains her plan of sacrificing her to the Fiend as revenge for her father's betrayal. Allura states that despite Rachel's hatred towards her, she still considers her a dear friend. They both presumably go back to their world, as Velguirie watches in satisfaction.


The Nightmare Princess[]

A princess falsely accused of murdering her father the king. Because the Devil's Stigma appeared on her arm as she fled, she is being hunted as one who murders humans and offers their souls to the Devil. She finally learns the truth from her confidant Rachel and immediately awakens in Dark Side Heaven.
Title: Branded Princess
Occupation: Branded Princess
Affiliation: Dark Side Heaven
First encounter.
Allura, Princess of Stigma, is freed from the clutches of evil in Dark Side Heaven.
After being defeated.
Before having her flesh and soul taken, Allura, Princess of Stigma, enters a world free of betrayal and conspiracy.

Take note that Allura also uses traps.

Q057: Allura 1[]

Map: Lapria Park
Wave 1
Intruder number 1 and final
Stat Level
Health 250
Defense 0
Vigilance 2
Attack 1 0
Attack 2 0
Attack 3 0
Attack 4 0
Special abilities
Can summon protective shield.
Can use Fiend Arm Surge.

Q073: Allura 2[]

Map: Lapria Park
Wave 1
Intruder number 1 and final
Stat Level
Health 550
Defense 0
Vigilance 2
Attack 1 0
Attack 2 0
Attack 3 0
Attack 4 0
Special abilities

Q089: Allura 3[]

Map: Lapria Park
Wave 1
Intruder number 1 and final
Stat Level
Health 950
Defense 0
Vigilance 2
Attack 1 0
Attack 2 0
Attack 3 0
Attack 4 0
Special abilities



Death: "Aagh...Not like"

The Nightmare Princess[]

Q057: Allura 1

Intro: "My stigma has been erased. This is not my problem."
Death: "I don't want...the Devil's stigma..."

Q073: Allura 2

Intro: "What more do you want?"
Death: "My soul, too... will be sacrificed... to the Devil..."

Q089: Allura 3

Intro: "You...will be sacrificed, as well."
Death: "Rachel... We'll...always be friends..."



Deception IV: Another Princess


  • The following characters have bonus outfits based on Reina's attire:
    • Laegrinna in Deception IV; her outfit is called the "Queen's Attire"
    • Momiji in Dead Or Alive 5: Last Round
  • Even though the English subtitles state her name as "Allura," it remains as "アリシア" (Alicia) in the audio. The reason for changing her name is unknown.
  • In Deception IV: The Nightmare Princess, her nickname is the "Branded Princess" (烙印の姫 Rakuin no Hime?).
    • Similarly, her title on the English website is the "Princess of Stigma".
Major Characters
Minor Characters
Deception IV: Blood TiesDeception IV: The Nightmare Princess
Major Characters
Velguirie (Fuyuno Kanata)
Minor Characters
Alma MuellerCelia MeviousDevilDow MenigellErnest LoveEvelynFreise GraydenGallagh BelgoshLord of Prosslyn CastleLyla Gun FeyconiaTelma MuellerVale BrandeauVictor LogosZeno Shin
Armor BreakDaemonsDeception StudioHoly VersesTwelve Saints
Prosslyn CastleBalmagyrLapria ParkRuins of Scardzyini
Darkside Heaven
Trapt AcademyKagero HospitalD. Seption Park